The Lord is My Shepherd

The Lord is My Shepherd
Comfort In Christ

Friday, November 16, 2012

Just One Kind of Hot Fudge Sundae

Yummy!!! My husband makes the best hot fudge sundaes. It’s all in the sauce. When he follows directions to a tee (handed down from his mother) the results are scrumptious. Change the amount of sugar or cooking time and the results will be totally different. As one battling cancer, I can attest; there are many forms of treatment which might work in defeating the “enemy, “ however only a select few are beneficial in defeating a particular type of cancer.  Leaping immediately to a spiritual connection, most believe that there are many ways to eliminate sin, yet killing this age-old enemy is strikingly limited to just one method – just one way. This treatment is found in acknowledging Jesus Christ alone as my Savior.  He is exclusively the Truth, the Life and the Way. The perfect hot fudges sundae with a cherry on top!

Now the hard part, even for Christians, to attain such perfections is to relinquish all control and allow Jesus to be Lord and King.  Making Jesus Lord of the past, present and future is too often a scary proposition, yet a much repeated theme throughout all of God’s Word.  Though so plainly spelled out, many times sound doctrine is maligned as too restrictive. Instead of embracing sound doctrine as the essential to our upbringing as Christians to root out sin and pride we, like the disciples in Matthew 16, tend to ‘reason within ourselves’ attempting to determine our own version of right and wrong. We begin to think there are perhaps other permissible roads to travel in search of solutions to our greatest problems. The Scripture has this to say about our inclination to compromise:

“All things are lawful," but not all things are beneficial. All things are lawful, but not all things build up.” (2 Corinthians 10:23 NRSV) Hot fudge sundaes are yummy and it’s certainly not against the law to eat one of these sweet treats, but making a habit of eating them isn’t beneficial toward the goal of good health or at least optimal weight.

More important than sweet tooth cravings are those things we might consider acceptable because God allows them to continue. Eastern religious practices like yoga, “make believe” movies about witchcraft, and alcohol consumption are just a few examples. What could possibly be wrong with these seemingly harmless activities? The Lord wants Christians to “shine as lights in the world,” blameless, harmless, without fault. (Philippians 2:15)  It matters because; as we tell people that we are Christians they look at our lifestyle to see if we’re any different than the world, if we truly are new creations in Christ. Take a look at other scripture passages written for our instruction and warning…“Do not be deceived, God is not mocked; for whatever a man sows, that he will also reap. For he who sows to his flesh will of the flesh reap corruption, but he who sows to the Spirit will of the Spirit reap everlasting life. (Galatians 6:7-8) If we truly love Jesus, doesn't it make sense to build up the kingdom and of God and sow to the Spirit and get a total makeover?

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Thursday, November 8, 2012

Volunteers - Meet Merja Fellin

Merja is originally from Finland. She is married with 2 daughters. She says she loves volunteering because it gives her a chance to help other believers and to get to know new people.

Thanks for helping us Merja!

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Camp Chemo

What to bring??? The Bible (of course) – check; a good book – check; my favorite drinking cup filled with plenty of ice cold water – check; a lunch bag with sandwich, crackers, fruit, and maybe soup if there’s access to a microwave – check. I also brought my laptop during the first 8 months of treatments when I was still “working from home” for my former employer. I sure got a lot done those days sitting there for 6 hours while the Carboplatin and Paclitaxel slowly dripped into my veins. Wow! How very different this kind of checklist is from the typical “what to bring to camp” checklist I got when I was a kid: 

Bedding, Tent, Sleeping bag, Ground cloth, Blankets, Extra stakes, Pillow, Shade tarp, Air mattress, Axe, Air pump, Dust pan/brush, Large bags for storage, Water jug &/or water bucket, Potholders and not to mention bathing suit, sunscreen and lots of bug spray.                                                
Camp Chemo

Though “Camp Chemo” is set up to be meaningful, purposeful, and determined to rid the campers of cancer, it can be more “light” hearted than anticipated in view of the golden opportunities there to catch fish for Jesus. The battle worn camper who knows Jesus can be an enormous light to someone just learning the to remain strong in the fight of their life. In the book of Exodus, Moses was just such a man.  He was a real trooper when called to lead the Israelites to the Promised Land at over 80 years old. Israel was fighting the Amalekites and it wasn’t going in their favor. Moses went to the top of the hill with the priests Aaron and Hur. When Moses held up his hands Israel prevailed and when he let down his hands the battle swung Amalek’s way. As Moses tired, Aaron and Hur then began to hold up his hands for him and Israel once again took control. You could certainly say seeing a man’s hands lifted heavenward is most always an encouraging sign to others entrenched in battle. (Exodus 17:10-13)

Hands reaching up for help signify humility; the realization that the battle can’t be won alone. Moses had help from his friends, but ultimately he relied on the Lord, and we must do likewise during our earthly times of trial. Ephesians 6:6-16 offers another kind of checklist for each of us to be prepared to meet the day. The full armor of God is needed now more than ever: the belt of truth, breastplate of righteousness, feet shod with the gospel of peace, the shield of faith, helmet of salvation, and the sword of the spirit.   My “camping experiences” have taught me more than being prepared with the outward supplies.  Most importantly they have revealed to me that “though the outward man in perishing, the inward man is being renewed day by day.” (2 Corinthians 4:16) So until that time I go to be with my Lord and Savior, there is a whole world of people out there, camping in this world, who need to know Jesus. Lord, how do you want to use cancer to reach them and teach them how great you are?

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Friday, November 2, 2012

Trail Blazing

Ever been on a trail ride? Those horses will not break ranks, continuing to follow each other hundreds of times over no matter who sits in the saddle. Any attempt to go off the trail may result in similar equine responses we would have to a sudden change of plans. “Wait a minute... Where are you taking me?...I’ve never gone this way before!”  We might buck the sudden jolt to the rhythm of life too. More typically we have conditioned responses to given situations: the person who drives you to the store changes your regular route and goes a different way. Perhaps a forced change in policies and procedures at your job has gotten you off track. Or maybe…you’re hearing for the first time “you have cancer.” Whoa! Cancer is not in the plan; let's get back on the bridle path!! Quick! 

Though we travel to many different places absorbing various life experiences, I’m persuaded we each have developed individual habits for dealing with the ebbs and flows of life. Rationally settling into the reality of cancer takes time. We want to distance ourselves from the diagnosis just like our friends may distance themselves from us. After all, now there is a reminder of our mortality right in front of them.  At first, the mind generally goes to how the culture pictures cancer, i.e., nausea, weight loss, wheelchairs, hair loss, and yes - too often, death. No one escapes death of course, but not all undergoing cancer treatment experience every possible side effect. Hair loss probably exceeds (even) loss of mobility as the biggest fear people conjure up when they hear cancer because it's so public. We want to keep our crowns intact as long as possible and do not wish to walk the road of life bald.

Consider this; instead of presuming the worst possible scenario for the future with cancer, why not blaze a new trail of hope in and peace with Jesus Christ. Romans 12:1-2 speaks to the need to present our bodies as a living sacrifice to God. Our life is passing away. Are we not better off surrendering the things of this world to Jesus? By faith we forge ahead trusting the Holy Spirit to help us reconcile all fear, doubt, anger and sadness over a marred body image and help find understanding by looking into the Word of God. God’s Word cannot be likened to a worthless, worldly incantation exerted by mere human effort.  Instead we read, “The entirety of Your word is truth, and every one of Your righteous judgments endures forever.” (Psalm 119:60) Over 300 prophecies were fulfilled by the Lord Jesus, the ultimate trailblazer in His first coming. The Son of God left the perfect example of surrender unto the Father when He willingly laid down His life at the cross. Oh, how we need to lay our lives down at God’s altar to know the peace of Christ that surpasses understanding. (Philippians 4:7) Join me. <><

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