The Lord is My Shepherd

The Lord is My Shepherd
Comfort In Christ

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Things Unseen

At our last support group meeting at church we spent quite a bit of time talking about the importance of keeping our eyes on the things unseen, which is so contrary to the desires of our flesh. Yet the Scriptures teach: “Therefore we do not lose heart. Even though our outward man is perishing, yet the inward man is being renewed day by day. For our light affliction, which is but for a moment, is working for us a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory, while we do not look at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen. For the things which are seen are temporary, but the things which are not seen are eternal. (2 Corinthians 4:16-18)”

Think about the context and content of those words. In the throes of cancer treatments we have an all too deep familiarity with the fact that the “outward man is perishing.” Lost hair, lost grip, lost organs; whatever the case may be, we’re trying to slow death through a powerful weapon. The benefits outweigh the risk with the hope someday a doctor will say “it’s all gone.” Even if cancer wasn’t a factor in our lives, the truth is since the fall of Adam the world has been a broken place. Life expectancy was once in the hundreds of years and now we average no more than 80 years. Though the universe was perfectly designed by our Creator Jesus, sin came in to spoil the plan. Despite what man did to pollute perfection, Jesus continues to hold all things seen together in harmony, until He comes again when He will to “bring all things to Himself.” (Philippians 3:21)

Satan the enemy of our souls seeks to distract us from following the Lord by getting stuck looking at the physical world and activities that don’t come easy anymore. I propose we look at our calamity as a blessing and fulfillment of this passage from 2 Corinthians. Seriously – what is happening to us is producing so much more than we’re losing. That “eternal weight of glory” is immeasurable, indescribable, and unfathomable. To get a glimpse of it, allow God to use the cancer diagnosis to reach other people around you and see what happens. As you keep your mind on the Word of God, the eternal dwelling place of the Christian, in the presence of the Living God, there will be little energy left for self-absorption.

Elisha the prophet had a servant who was intimidated the sight of the enemy army. Elisha reassured him, “Do not fear, for those who are with us are more than those who are with them." (2 Kings 6:16) Then Elisha prayed to the God of Heaven to open the eyes of the servant so he could see that there were horses and “chariots of fire” all around (Elisha). The book of Hebrews (Ch 12) says that we are surrounded by a great cloud of witnesses, referring to all the saints who went before us and are now with the Lord. Countless saints of no reputation, people whose lives were sealed for the day of redemption by the blood of the lamb. (Ephesians 4:30) Many endured unspeakable acts for the cause of Christ and they are there with Him cheering us on as we deny ourselves for the sake of our Lord.

Fellow believer: let us keep our attention on the only thing, he only one deserving of all glory, honor and praise as we look forward to the Day when we will see Him as He is – face to face! (1 John 3:2)

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Wednesday, August 8, 2012

We'll Just Keep Walking...

What happens to us when we die? There’s nothing to fear for the Christian. Though some world religions teach that man just disappears upon death, the Bible teaches we are eternal beings and we have a desire to live forever. (Ecclesiastes 3:11). Those who deny the existence of God quite often also deny the reality of heaven and of hell as taught in the scriptures. Hell was prepared as the everlasting residence “for the devil and his angels.” (Matthew 25:41) Why unbelieving people would spend eternity there, might be best understood simply as “why not?” Those who reject God their whole life through are already on their way to this terrible place, are they not; by choice?

It is hell to be separated from God, to live in darkness, to scorn the righteousness of Jesus Christ. Given careful thought, seeing how determined the heart can be to maintain that wall of separation why would the Lord God interfere and usurp human will to force anyone to go to heaven? After clearly explaining in Romans chapter 3, that no one is good enough to earn their way to heaven, the apostle Paul clarifies how one gains admittance; by faith in the righteousness of Jesus Christ…by faith in what He did on the cross at Calvary. Paul explains in Romans 4, the patriarch Abraham believed in the promises of God and was “fully convinced in his own mind” that (God) was able to perform what He had promised. (Romans 4:19-22) God did it! God did it all!

Yes, we want to live forever. In certain quarters it’s taught or promoted that enough faith in techniques, programs, methodical rituals or mantras will allow us to escape health problems. In this leg of the journey with cancer in the picture, it’s so much more realistic for me to aspire to complete surrender to God’s power and promises. In fact I would submit looking forward to the Lord showing Himself strong takes more faith than any suggested agenda man may teach. As a believer in Jesus Christ I know that my life is hid with God in Christ (Colossians 3:3). The Lord knows “the measure of our days” (Psalm 39:4) and He has promised when those who’ve followed Him reach the end of their days on earth they will immediately be where He is forever. In heaven there is no death – no crying or pain. The former things have passed away – “all things have become new.” (Revelation 21) Ascension to heaven upon death isn’t based on wishful thinking but rather the fact that Christ alone paid the whole price the sins of the world on the cross.

I’ve been walking with the Lord now for about 20 years, through highs and lows; ups and downs.  I’ve been emphatically reminded time after time that He has never left me or forsaken me. (Hebrews 13:5) Entering the holiness of heaven is just another step along the way and we’ll just keep walking – Jesus and me forever and ever.

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