Though we travel to many different
places absorbing various life experiences, I’m persuaded we each have developed individual
habits for dealing with the ebbs and flows of life. Rationally settling into
the reality of cancer takes time. We want to distance ourselves from the diagnosis just like our friends may distance themselves from us. After all, now there is a reminder of our mortality right in front of them. At first, the mind generally goes to how the
culture pictures cancer, i.e., nausea, weight loss, wheelchairs, hair loss, and yes - too often, death. No one escapes death of course, but not all undergoing cancer treatment
experience every possible side effect. Hair loss probably exceeds (even) loss
of mobility as the biggest fear people conjure up when they hear cancer because it's so public. We
want to keep our crowns intact as long as possible and do not wish to walk the
road of life bald.
Consider this; instead of presuming
the worst possible scenario for the future with cancer, why not blaze a new
trail of hope in and peace with Jesus Christ. Romans 12:1-2 speaks to the need to present our
bodies as a living sacrifice to God. Our life is passing away. Are we not better off surrendering the things
of this world to Jesus? By faith we forge ahead trusting the Holy Spirit
to help us reconcile all fear, doubt, anger and sadness over a marred body
image and help find understanding by looking into the Word of God. God’s
Word cannot be likened to a worthless, worldly incantation exerted by mere
human effort. Instead we read, “The entirety of Your word is truth, and
every one of Your righteous judgments endures forever.” (Psalm 119:60) Over
300 prophecies were fulfilled by the Lord Jesus, the ultimate trailblazer in
His first coming. The Son of God left the perfect example of surrender unto the Father when He
willingly laid down His life at the cross. Oh, how we need to lay our lives down at
God’s altar to know the peace of Christ that surpasses understanding. (Philippians 4:7) Join me. <><
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