Adam and Eve had it that good, didn’t they? But they quickly traded it
away for a taste of the power to know good and evil. Seeing how evil can
manifest itself it's clear they made a very bad trade. Upon rebelling, a wall of separation instantly went up between God
and man. God cannot walk, stand or sit in the presence of sin. Oh how He pitied His
creation! How He must have mourned over the loss of fellowship!
Enter Moses 2,500
years later. Moses sees the burning bush, but does he separate himself or draw closer? Wisely, he draws near; he desires to see this marvelous sight. Moses is called out from obscurity where he’s been hiding out in the
desert among the Midianites. God gives him the job of returning to his native Egypt and
lead his people, Israel from slavery and oppression. But before he could hear this call, Moses had to draw near to the Holy fire of God.
Just as Moses was told to remove his worn, dirty sandals, (Exodus 3:2) we must cast off our flesh, leaving it buried where it belongs, as we approach our Mighty Deliverer. After the miracles, after the Exodus, after the manna in the
desert the tribes of Israel gathered at the base of the mountain and “witnessed
the thunderings, the lightning flashes, the sound of the trumpet, and the
mountain smoking; and when the people saw it, they trembled and stood afar off. Then they said to
Moses, "You speak with us, and we will hear; but let not God speak with
us, lest we die." (Exodus 20: 18-19) Too often, we resemble the
tribes. We just want to keep the Lord at arm’s length.
The religions of the
world are set up to make their followers do something or go through someone else
rather than speak with the True and Living God. Praise the Lord He doesn't need to rely on us to reach all the lost sheep. Rather, He humbled Himself to
become a man, never stopped being God, to die for sinners, breaking down the wall of separation once and for all! (Ephesians 2:14) Jesus, the perfect man and perfect God did the work
we could not do, making the perfect way back to Him. May we never allow the
walls of pride, lies, or religion to separate us from coming completely to the Great
God and Savior, the Deliverer of our souls, Jesus Christ. Don’t stand
“afar off.” Come near to Jesus, the only true way back to the Father!
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