With Jesus by our side, paving the way ahead, it’s possible to not only endure trials that come our way, but to discover more love for Him than ever before. As sure as I know the distance from the earth to the sun, I know for sure I don’t really have a “strong constitution.” I don't always “think positively.” I am kept by the Savior of mankind and am positive about this because His Word says so. He is strong when I am weak. It has been so plainly seen this past year as I’ve relished being a member of the body of Christ. Think of me as a little toe in this trial with cancer – a weaker member uplifted by many strong arms belonging to my brothers and sisters in Christ. These dear ones lifted me up in prayer as I took one step at a time toward the Lord, facing Heaven despite the encumbrances of this earth.
I look way down the road and see Jesus. Soon I will meet Him face to face, perhaps in day or in a moment. That is up to Him. The point is, I am ready whenever He chooses to call me home. I have learned in dealing with cancer that it is an exercise in futility, a total waste of time, to allow the mind to drift into what might happen in the future. God lives, breathes and moves in the present and provides fullness of joy despite a cancer diagnosis. If you know Jesus, the way down the road is easy because we can cast all our cares upon Him. Be encouraged to press on my friends to the upward call of God because He knows the way home – one step at a time. (Philippians 3:14)
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