Though I am endlessly grateful to the doctors who have brought me this far and the tough medicine they’ve used, I am a Christian and therefore know for certain I am still here for one reason only; because of Jesus Christ and His sustaining power. No matter the outcome of treatment, any progress or good news points to Jesus the provider, giving men the intelligence to discover and develop cancer fighting agents from available earthly resources. As I’ve mentioned before statistics say I should be dead by now, so the Lord’s supernatural power to heal me from this disease, His way and in His timing has certainly been a testimony to me. I pray the medical community would see that fact as well and would want to know this God in whom I have placed all my trust.
The world is a dark place though, shrouded in foolish thinking and unholy behavior. The world thumbs its nose at God and suppresses the truth about Him, by attempting to stamp out evidence He exists. Hiding in the dark, running from the light of God wishing to escape judgment is the normal course of living in the world. That was my life before I came to Christ, before I was first confronted with my own mortality. I know it’s hard to see the One, True God because He has been confused with religion, lies and the doctrines of men. Likening the history of Scripture to fairy tales has sold short the authority of God’s Word. Yet Jesus Himself said, though a man be raised from the dead men will not be persuaded to trust Him. (Reference Luke 16:19)
In a manner of speaking God has raised me from the dead not once but twice. The first “resurrection” was when I trusted in Christ as my Lord and Savior. The second is the magnificent work He’s done in my body to take me from Stage 4 cancer to the point of now being almost healed over a year later. It’s ever clear each day is to be lived fully for Him, and I pray I would be glowing in the dark so brightly that Jesus Christ couldn’t help but be seen as the glorious God that He is. I pray harder still that those facing the fact of cancer in their lives would “let patience have [its] perfect work, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking nothing. (James 1:4) When Jesus Christ is seen as our example of perfection, we know for certain the truth of His word: “Beloved, do not think it strange concerning the fiery trial which is to try you, as though some strange thing happened to you; but rejoice to the extent that you partake of Christ's sufferings, that when His glory is revealed, you may also be glad with exceeding joy.” (1 Peter 4:12,13) Glow in the dark my friends. J
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