The Lord is My Shepherd

The Lord is My Shepherd
Comfort In Christ

Saturday, May 25, 2013

Tight Rope Acts

A few days ago I received results of the scans I had done the previous week. Thankfully the images showed improvements compared to the previous set of images. “We see a decrease in numbers and less in size,” – the doctor said.  With that she made a couple changes to my regimen and off I went with mixed emotions; excited by the progress, but continuing to wonder how long I could continue this tight rope act?

Going to the circus a few times as a kid, watching the tight rope walkers left me with a knot in my tummy. Ah, but remember the safety net below? Possessing only a slight sense of balance with the scarred, skinned knees to prove it, perhaps I could traverse wide, flat surfaces and big, fat bicycle tires. Now I am traversing a thin path with Neupogen (the White Count booster) hoping it does the job so I can continue to take the chemo that keeps me alive. The next set of images ordered for July should really tell us how well the chemo has done killing the cancer masses. Until then? What then?

It’s simply time to apply by faith my confidence concerning Jesus, my Savior and Good Shepherd.  While on the tight wire, remember Jesus said we can move mountains with faith as small as a mustard seed (Mt. 17:20). We will reach the plans set before us, not because we can muster up enough faith, but because of Him. We place our minuscule amount of faith in Jesus and we have true confidence.  He is our safety net, and so much more!  Don’t think about drugs one day failing and resignation to Hospice care.  Unless cancer has made us immobile, it’s useless to just sit and wait for Jesus to come. When His disciples asked Him if the time for His kingdom had come (Acts 1), His reply was simple. They were to wait for the Holy Spirit to give them the power they would undoubtedly need as they were then led to go out and spread the Word of God to every creature under Heaven…until He calls us home!

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