The Lord is My Shepherd

The Lord is My Shepherd
Comfort In Christ

Saturday, September 29, 2012

Our Volunteers...Shawna

Shawna, one of our great volunteers shared this little snippet about her life with me.  Thanks Shawna for taking time to be there for us and share our burdens!

Shawna says...."I grew up in Hobbs, New Mexico.  I have lived in Tucson since 1990.  I am married to Mark, and we have two girls, Paige (14) and Chayse (12) and one dog, Cleopatra (7 month old miniature Schnauzer).  I really enjoy being outdoors working in my garden, taking hikes, reading, and just enjoying every day that the Lord has blessed me with.  There are several scriptures that give me strength each day: Chapter 118 from the book of Psalms and Ephesians 6: 10-18." 

Friday, September 28, 2012

Our Volunteers...Wendy

I thought it would be nice to get a little snippet from our volunteers about their lives and post it here on the blog to foster connections and growing together in the Lord's grace. I hope to see many more here. :-) 

Wendy was the first to send me her bio...
   ...I grew up in a small suburb near Chicago, IL.  When I was about forty, I returned to school for my Masters degree in Blind Rehabilitation.  I found a job at the Veterans Hospital here in Tucson and have been working here since 1998 teaching Low Vision and Living Skills. 
I really enjoy dogs, but don't have any of my own now because I am renting.  I also enjoy reading and watching old movies.  I am starting to try cooking again too. 
My favorite verse is 2 Corinithians 13:9, "For when we are weak you are strong".  I say this one to myself all the time!"...

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Practical Cancer Resources - Helpful Links

Each person on this planet has a unique DNA signature that was designed by God and called very good. (Genesis 1:31) As a result of man's disobedience we see effects of corruption on the human body; in this case cancer. Yet the Lord in His infinite wisdom allowed that which is corrupted by sin to be used and developed to assist those enduring such things as cancer, for His glory. (Genesis 3) A short list of practical resources is provided below. Some or none of these man made organizations may be beneficial to individual needs. As you do your research pray to know if the Lord is in agreement with the funding, methods and purpose of each group.  Though the Lord has allowed eastern medicinal practices to exist and created plants and such to be consumed doesn't mean he approves of methods or philosophies. It's best not to add anything to biblical principles and still call it Christian. 

This ministry prays to walk humbly before God with regard to how He wants to treat cancer in each individual patient and directs those with cancer to let their ultimate treatment decisions be between them, the Lord and their doctor.  If you discover anything on these web site that I missed, that causes concern, please let me know.

Thanks - Cherrie 

Photographs of doctors, medicines and a young girl

American Association for Cancer Research

Friday, September 21, 2012

Perfect Timing

It’s said, “It’s the little things that count.” Last Thursday we sat in the doctor’s office once again awaiting results of the PET scan taken a couple days earlier. For those taking notes, a PET scan is positron emission tomography, which is a nuclear medicine imaging technique that produces a three-dimensional image or picture of functional processes in the body. How do they do that? Seriously: by injecting us with radioactive glucose, letting it course through the veins for forty-five minutes, and then sending us through the tube for some pictures. Wherever the glucose lights up is “hot” for possible cancer. I’ve had a few not so good PET scan results over the last 2 years, but this last one held good news for me. Though the cancer isn’t gone, it’s stable, which means two small nodes are getting microscopically smaller and there isn’t any cancer moving about in the body to cause trouble elsewhere. Most thrilling was the special answered prayer connected to this message.

My son is getting married at the end of December. My husband and I so hoped and prayed the doctor would think it might be time for a break from chemo so I could be healthier to enjoy this upcoming blessed event, particularly since the wedding will take place in cold Wisconsin climes. Brrr! When the doc brought up only 2 more cycles of chemo, then taking a break for most of November and December we were so happy. I hope to get stronger – get back to going for walks! To be sure, my friends; it’s those little things that are much appreciated during a trial like this so don’t take your health for granted – ever. As a believer in the resurrection of Jesus Christ, I do want to be about the Lord’s business, especially since every breath I take with just one lung comes from Him.

Some may say because I am a Christian I shouldn’t be sick or if I had enough faith the Lord would take cancer away. I say, the Lord allowed cancer to visit me at just the right time for many practical reasons having to do with treatment and support I’ve received. Even more so I pray He has used my infirmity to reach many more people for Him than I could've ever done without cancer. A couple of examples from Scripture come to mind. Joseph is really noted for beauty far exceeding a song about his multi-colored coat. His brothers sold him to slave traders when he was a teen and he spent many years in prison before finally being released and revealed as the “prince of Egypt.” Joseph’s time of confinement was spent learning the Lord and ministering for Him to Pharaoh’s servants. When finally released, he was prepared for the biggest job of his earthly life – feeding a multitude of people during a famine, including the brothers that betrayed him! (Genesis 37-50).

The Apostle Paul did amazing work for the Lord, planting churches all over the region, healing the sick, raising the dead and suffering terrible persecutions for the name of Christ. Since he did such amazing things for God one might ask why did he have to suffer at all.  Why didn’t the Lord just give him smooth sailing? 2 Corinthians 12 verse 7 tells us Paul also had a thorn in his flesh, something physical the Lord allowed in his life to keep him from becoming self-exalted or conceited. He prayed just like I’ve prayed for the Lord to take it away. It would be silly not to pray for that. Instead of focusing on the calamities Paul says he boasted in them, saying when he is weak Christ is strong. Now, the Lord knows I am no super saint, but the question remains – how will I respond to my infirmities? The cancer isn’t gone. The thorn remains, but God is still good and my son is getting married!

 Come December 29, 2012 I will be feasting at Jake’s wedding banquet, enjoying fellowship with others who love him and share his joy in joining his life with his bride. As special as that day will be, as much as I look forward to seeing this happy event come to pass, I am even more eager to go to the wedding feast in Heaven that awaits those who have surrendered their earthly lives to the Bridegroom, Jesus Christ.(Revelation 19:7-10) The Scriptures make it clear that only those who have trusted Jesus Christ while alive will enter Heaven so please make sure you’ve got that straight today. ("Jesus said to him, "I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me." John 14:6.  "For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life." John 3:16)

One closing thought: Perhaps big trials on earth are preparation for big jobs in the life to come.

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Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Overcoming Fear

When tempted to dwell on the physical troubles of this world, pray to the Lord that your eyes may be opened to see the many ways He fights for you.
2 Kings 6:12-22

And one of his servants said, "None, my lord, O king; but Elisha, the prophet who is in Israel, tells the king of Israel the words that you speak in your bedroom."So he said, "Go and see where he is, that I may send and get him." And it was told him, saying, "Surely he is in Dothan."Therefore he sent horses and chariots and a great army there, and they came by night and surrounded the city. And when the servant of the man of God arose early and went out, there was an army, surrounding the city with horses and chariots. And his servant said to him, "Alas, my master! What shall we do?"So he answered, "Do not fear, for those who are with us are more than those who are with them."And Elisha prayed, and said, "Lord, I pray, open his eyes that he may see." Then the Lord opened the eyes of the young man, and he saw. And behold, the mountain was full of horses and chariots of fire all around Elisha

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Monday, September 10, 2012

Chasing My Tail

Cesar Milan, noted “dog whisperer” says dogs often chase their tails as a sign of boredom and harm themselves by biting them out of habit. I see a parallel to cancer here. Shortly after receiving my metastatic cancer diagnosis a friend had sent me a book describing how to beat cancer without using any conventional therapies: no radiation, chemo, etc. Simply employ a certain type of diet and exercise and the cancer would beat a hasty retreat… for a time. What I took from the book of course was the [always] good advice to eat healthy – definitely no harm in that! I did however have to put the book down about 2/3 of the way through, realizing I was making an idol of this book and placing it far above my hope in Jesus. I was no longer following hard after Jesus; I was chasing cancer’s tail.

Again I repeat, we all want to live as long as possible. My son plans to at long last marry by the end of this year. I definitely want to live long enough to see that blessed event and hopefully the fruit of the union – grandchildren. I have to ask myself though, at what cost? To make myself and everyone around me miserable with extraordinary dietary demands that costs an exorbitant amount of money? (There could be other costs, less tangible.) I speak from experience on that, having exchanged the peace of Christ, where there is “no shadow of turning” (James 1:17) for the riches of this world that fall away and perish. When King Hezekiah was on his deathbed, Isaiah the prophet was sent to tell him he had fifteen more years. Ecstatic about the news, he immediately went out and made a foolish choice. Sadly, his last years proved to be the most trying of Hezekiah’s life! (Isaiah 39) The Lord God always has the very best plans for us.

Too often we want the security of the Christian life, but don't want to surrender “our way” of dealing with issues even if it displeases the Lord or results in our harm. Let’s consider a biblical example. When his kingdom was slipping through his hands King Saul was desperate for answers and consulted a medium, perhaps thinking anything would do, so long as he found out what he needed to know. (1 Samuel 28:2-12) One way we can end up mimicking Saul is when we practice any form of eastern mediation in hopes of overcoming a problem. Seriously think on this. The Lord doesn't want us to open our mind to “Satan (who) transforms himself into an angel of light.” (2 Corinthians 11:14) The Lord does want us to be filled with those things which glorify Him, things that are “noble, just, pure, lovely, whatever things are of good report…" Anything praiseworthy—He says; meditate on these things. (Philippians 4:8)  

So interesting – I was just reading a book on cancer by an M.D. who stated that wanting an immediate fix of any kind may not be the best thing for us. It can even make us worse off than before because we still haven’t allowed ourselves to go through emotional experiences associated with cancer. More on that later, but in the meantime would anyone disagree that scarred skin is tougher than natural skin? Those trials we endure shape our character and make us more resilient. The apostle Peter was inspired to put it this way…”that the genuineness of your faith, being much more precious than gold that perishes, though it is tested by fire, may be found to praise, honor, and glory at the revelation of Jesus Christ…(1 Peter 1:7) Awesome!

Some dogs can chase their tales to exhaustion. This is true for some people too – especially when suffering from the duress of a trial such as cancer. There is an innate desire to live. As a Christian, however, I want to urge anyone who will listen to remember our last breath here is only the beginning, so let's not spend our time chasing our tails.  It can simply wear you out. (I can't be the only one who s guilty of that.) 

May this excerpt from Hebrews 11 be a blessed reminder to continue chasing hard after our Lord! “These all died in faith, not having received the promises, but having seen them afar off were assured of them, embraced them and confessed that they were strangers and pilgrims on the earth. For those who say such things declare plainly that they seek a homeland. And truly if they had called to mind that country from which they had come out, they would have had opportunity to return. But now they desire a better, that is, a heavenly country. Therefore God is not ashamed to be called their God, for He has prepared a city for them.”(Hebrews 11:13-16) 

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Friday, September 7, 2012

Correction Please

This morning, my mind traversed back to times when getting bad news meant going it alone. Of course before coming to know Jesus as Lord and Savior all bets were off in terms of successfully riding out a storm. My boat, let’s say kept banging into the same big rock, hoping for different results. Once I began to start knowing “the power of His resurrection (Philippians 3:10) along with the fellowship of His sufferings,” light began trickling into dark places. An endless journey of beginning to understand God’s Word had started as He put people in my life that truly had a relationship with Him. These people weren’t floundering on the waves, but were ashore and firmly anchored in the truth of Christ Jesus. I was overwhelmed by their care and concern not only for me but for the Lord; to honor Him above all by striving to get correct understanding of His Truth. 

This side of heaven will always include struggling with the flesh and falling short of the glory of God. (Romans 3:20) Part of successfully navigating the waters of life entails surrendering insurmountable expectations to Jesus. God knows our frame and remembers we are all but dust. (Psalm 103:14) Surrendering self to the Lord is a daily process and is sometimes aided by the help of godly people, which is so important. As a new believer, after having spent so much time with the attitude of ‘what’s in it for me?’ a quick infusion of spiritual milk was needed – proper training in how to study the Word of God. Twenty years later I’m happy to say the hunger and thirst for such wisdom hasn't diminished and pray cancer never wears down the desire to get it right for Christ. Much esteem for God’s truth remains because He has helped me beyond measure to receive biblical correction when needed.

It’s not easy to be reined in, to accept discipline, correction or instruction in righteousness. (2 Timothy 3:16-17) Yet how true it is: “Faithful are the wounds of a friend, but the kisses of an enemy are deceitful.” (Proverbs 27:6) Anyone sincerely trying to help me may inflict pain as they deliver biblical instruction but it is for the greater good; to better know Jesus Christ. As they say however “this bread slices both ways.” No one should be above reproach or correction. Any brother or sister in Christ should be able to sound the warning bell in a believer’s life to keep them from harm, from going the wrong way.

We, who are dealing with cancer, may have very well heard “bad news” more than once. If we have established ourselves with belief in the biblical definition of Jesus Christ, His Gospel for our salvation; bad news should be more easily absorbed or maybe deflected?The ones who have surrendered to Jesus Christ can be certain that no matter what happens their eternal destiny has been sealed. We know Jesus is the One who will always be there and never leave us or forsake us. (Hebrews 11:8) Whatever it takes let’s willingly accept the correction He lovingly gives.

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