The Lord is My Shepherd

The Lord is My Shepherd
Comfort In Christ

Monday, July 30, 2012

Comfort in Christ - Vision and Focus

Tucson, home of University of Arizona is known for superb cancer research, from which I have greatly benefited. Tucson also has a wide assortment of ‘spiritual beliefs.’ After 2 years walking through and waiting in cancer treatment facilities, I found none that offered a distinctly Christian option which is sad. Since this world is but temporary it can only at best offer band-aid solutions to problems associated with cancer, band-aids such as Reiki massage, Yoga, Tai Chi, Accupressure, and Accupuncture. These are eastern religious practices holding nothing in common with the character of and teachings found in the Bible. It should seem obvious that the Christian should run far from such things. Should there be any doubt however, consider the answer to this question: Can the Lord God of the Bible who said He is the Way, the Truth and the Life share His glory with another? (John14:6) I think not. It is with the purpose to glorify Christ alone that we approach the Comfort in Christ cancer support group.

Anyone with cancer will agree that a sharper reality about death comes into view with this diagnosis. I will meet Jesus face to face (likely sooner than later) so what shall be my relationship with Him now, as long as “it is called Today?” (Hebrews 3:13)  He is a jealous God and wants wholehearted loyalty; an impossible feat except His Word assures us that if we believe He died for our sins, Heaven is our ultimate home and we can do all things through Him who strengthens us. (Philippians 4:13)  Being given the responsibility of overseeing a ministry is a hefty responsibility – not to be taken lightly. We exist and we meet together to take our hope from Jesus Christ; to point each other to Him as our source for everything we need.

We ask that anyone attending the group to respect this simple request. Since our group is sponsored by Calvary Tucson, meetings aren’t the time the time to promote treatment methods, which would also include endorsing use of special nutritional programs. Any method for treatment should be decided between the individual and their doctors. We relish time to share our trials with each other, time to pray and time to talk about how Jesus is showing Himself strong in spite of cancer. In summary let’s consider this passage from Titus 2:11-14: “For the grace of God that brings salvation has appeared to all men, teaching us that, denying ungodliness and worldly lusts, we should live soberly, righteously, and godly in the present age, looking for the blessed hope and glorious appearing of our great God and Savior Jesus Christ, who gave Himself for us, that He might redeem us from every lawless deed and purify for Himself His own special people, zealous for good works.” 

Let us keep our gaze firmly fixed on Jesus Christ and comfort one another in the hope only He can bring!

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Monday, July 16, 2012

Memorial Box

Beyond holding all things together in the palm of His hand, there’s usually a sort of blindness to God’s presence and power. Perhaps before you committed to following Jesus, it was easy to write off a pay raise or bonus as coincidence when it arrived just as overdue bills were being sent to collections. Running into a Christian friend who offers to pray for you during a rough patch may have been ascribed to pure luck, but now you see the Lord upholding you with His right hand. (Isaiah 41:10)  Reading and hearing God’s Word seemed nonsensical until the Spirit of Christ removed the veil over your heart. Once that glorious day arrives, when God makes all things new, we start to have a hunger and thirst for God’s Word; a desire to know “the deep things of God.” (1 Corinthians 2:10) The Lord is faithful to give understanding to those who desire to wholeheartedly know Him.

Amidst the hurrying and scurrying through our days, it’s easy to forget the times when the Lord may have prompted a person to be there for us – maybe the Lord sent someone to sit with us and hold a hand during a crisis. There’s nothing like an unexpected beautifully written card or email to cheer up the heart and turn a frown upside down.  Just about everything I’ve gotten in the last two years that could be wrapped or sent has gone into my “memorial box” – the place I store mementos to inspire me and remind me God loves me and has His eye on me. In Joshua 4 the Lord describes for us what happened after Israel crossed the Jordan. Joshua tells the people to set up twelve stones, one for each tribe to commemorate their crossing, so they would remember all the Lord had done for them. My box serves the same purpose.  

I’d urge anyone reading this to seriously consider all the times the Lord has proven faithful to you. Surviving a near fatal accident was no accident. The Lord wants you to remain here on earth until you commit to Him (for sure). Given some thought, the Lord has provided a memorial collection of His faithfulness to us all by historically preserving His Word. Hebrews 11 summarizes the lives of many people who trusted the Lord through faith-trying difficulties. Though these folks lived centuries ago, we should experience a connection with them primarily because we serve the same God who longs to bless us with the knowledge of the truth and the assurance of eternal life. Yes, the same God… “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever.” (Hebrews 13:8) He was there at the beginning of time, when the worlds were created, and He will be with us throughout eternity.

To all of you who have made contributions to my memorial box, many thanks for providing a tangible means for reflecting on ways the Lord showed His care for me by moving people to pour forth their love and multiplied concern. What a blessing!

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Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Weed Whack It!

After almost 2 years of cancer treatment it might seem fair to ask how much more is needed. My standard answer is time will tell what the PET scans show. The last one showed 3 errant nodes have popped up. I liken the nodes to weeds in need of whacking or maybe some kind of “Round –up” to stamp them out once and for all. In much the same way I referred to the radiation machine as the cooker and the pause between simulation and treatment as “basting,” analogies to everyday parts of life help lighten things up a bit; at least bring a smile to the lips.

Why not? As we subject ourselves to poking, prodding and much picture taking at the hands of many strangers we may as well detach for a moment from the situation and look for the humor in it. I don’t aim to be the funniest person ever to sit in a chemo chair, mainly because wit isn’t my natural born gift. There is truth to the scripture though “a merry heart does like good medicine.” (Proverbs 17:22) As a believer, I’m a firm believer that not just any kind of joke or comedy will do. We have to “walk circumspectly, not as fools but as wise, redeeming the time, because the days are evil. (Ephesians 5:15, 16)” Some people are under the false assumption that when the Lord said he has given us “all things to enjoy” freely partake of the things the world esteems highly, but the context of that scripture is addressing the warning not to trust in uncertain riches. (1 Timothy 6:17)

While we seek to make our hearts merry, let’s first ask the Lord if the thing we are about to do or in the habit of doing will fulfill two simple requirements: 1. Will the thing bring Glory to God?  2. Will it cause others to stumble in their walk with God? An example: Some stretch Paul’s advice to Timothy about taking a little wine for the stomach way too far and use it almost as an excuse to make drinking a daily habit. A litmus test – (except for taking communion) what does the drink in hand do to further the Gospel of God? What if that glass of wine (or let’s say an occasional cigarette) presents an obstacle to the person hearing the good news of Jesus Christ? Of course, it might be a good idea to re-state the Holy Spirit inspired obligations of true, born again Christians for this point to have value.

A few examples - we who have claimed Christ as Savior and Lord should “abstain from every form of evil” (1 Thessalonians 5:22), “adultery, fornication, uncleanness, lewdness, idolatry, sorcery, hatred, contentions, jealousies, outbursts of wrath, selfish ambitions, dissensions, heresies, envy, murders, drunkenness, revelries, and the like…” (Galatians 5). In my estimation this would also include abstaining from giving hearty approval to those who do such things. This might even include withholding  the dollars we would spend on certain movies, music, and other amusement media.  Because Satan’s devices to keep us from Christ are often subtle, it’s important to check me out from the Word of God; don’t just take my word for it. When Jesus commands us to pick up our cross daily and follow Him, he doesn’t say ‘oh by the way, it’s okay to drag along whatever you like from the world with you too.’ No-He teaches us to surrender all that we are to Him.

If we think the Christian life will be boring without raunchy games, kid’s movies with witchcraft, or an occasional drink or two; have we really died to self? Is He really our Lord, our God and King? May we all be willing to take out the Word of God, the spiritual weed whacker and ask the Lord to show you how to get rid of ungodly habits at their root.

I’ll close with a joke that begs the question ‘does it glorify God?’
The other day a fellow asked the pastor, "Can I smoke and still get to heaven?" Pastor replied "Sure, and if you smoke, you might get there a lot sooner."

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